Monday, May 30, 2011

Been A Long Time

Since my last blog, much time has passed, and many changes within me as well.  Talk about losing your muse, your inspiration.  Isn't it true that the only place to go from the top of a mountain but down?  My God is the God of the valley, and He is God of the mountain!  He is there, wherever I may think I have lost "it":  He is never lost.  In the deepest pit, He is there.  In the highest of heights, He is there.  Okay, so I'm not going to rewrite the Psalms, but I have again found the joy of overcoming some "momentary light afflictions", by God's grace and for His glory.  In the light of eternity, we who are in Christ will wake up as from a bad dream to the glorious reality of all realities, to bliss beyond anything experienced here...far, far beyond what we could imagine or dream of!  If that thought doesn't bring one peace, know that you can find the One who is our Peace:  Jesus Christ.

We cannot allow ourselves to put too much confidence in others, for they will let us down, just as we have let others down.  What's so great about that is that the One whom we can tell everything to is the One who can never mess up, will never reject us or forget about us, or can never be unable to carry our heavy loads.  He promised to help us, and He promised to unconditionally accept us, "warts and all".  His love is not based on whether we appear to be worthy of that love or not, but it is because HE IS LOVE.  He can ONLY love, ONLY accept, not conditionally, but regardless of how filthy, bloody, or helpless we are.  In fact, that's when we are MOST loved by HIM, the God of mercy, grace, justice, love, peace, and all kindness, who is the Father to the fatherless.  And it is when we know that kind of love, that we ourselves can love from the same heart, the father-heart of God, who is longing to have His "little ones" run to His protective embrace.  It is then that we can extend the grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness that comes from a clean heart, recreated and renewed by the everlasting love of the Father.

Over the years I have come to understand this one thing:  Only God can heal a broken heart.  Others can come alongside and help lead us in the right way, and that is from God, too.  Nobody can fix us, but with the power of the Holy Spirit, we can comfort one another with the comfort with which WE were comforted.  We all have experienced being cold, lost, and afraid, and hopefully, if we are reading these words, we have been comforted by someone else seeing the state of need that we were in.  The Holy Spirit, Who is our COMFORTER, knows exactly how to help us, and when we are truly needy, He knows how to bring loving people into our lives to help us find our way again.

I have just read today that those gifted with high intelligence are more emotionally sensitive, which has both positive and negative sides.  The positive side of being sensitive is treating people with kindness and respect.  The negative side is that the realm of the mind can be the torture chamber the enemy, Satan, uses to try to immobilize God's children.  The Good News is this:  God won't tolerate His children being bullied.  He stands between you and Satan and declares "Enough!".  End of discussion.  We don't have to fight in our own strength, but we DO have to remind Satan who we belong to.  The thief (Satan) only comes to steal, kill, and destroy (bad news), but Jesus said He came that we could have life to the full (GOOD news!).  Anyone reading this has the intelligence factor that can fall prey to Satan's lies (more bad news), but if we come to Jesus as a little child, He will give us the keys to His kingdom (the BEST news!!!!!!!).  Take those keys and open the doors to abundant life in Christ!